Solutions that make businesses stronger and more profitable

We help organizations to develop innovative approaches to growing their top line. We do this through analysis of the marketplace to identify new opportunities and create new business, develop and implementation of new strategies and the development of new products and services.

We also help organizations to improve their operations through new organizational cultures, structures and processes that will deliver the strategies and build the capacity for continuous innovation into the future.

While doing this we always ensure that there are reality checks; no business wants or needs "pie-in-the-sky" ideas that cannot be actioned.

We conduct research to address a number of business issues including the need to understand what the marketplace drivers and movements are going to be, what trends are emerging that will effect business, what connections are emerging between issues, technologies, purchasers, suppliers and geo-demographics.

Research is a constant part of our business; we use it internally as well as making relevant parts available to our clients. We also use it to provide some insights into what we have found through this research on the Insights pages of this site. However, each client has specific issues associated with their business, so we typically do 2 things for them: firstly we tailor an analysis of the information we already may have and secondly we conduct further research to obtain specific and current information.

We take the results of this research and can provide reports on the issues, highlight implications for the business, provide underpinning data to support forecasts and strategies and support innovation and creative thinking in an organisation.

Our first step in consultation is to spend some time listening to and understanding the client’s needs. This we do for free, we don’t see why you should pay to tell us your problems.

We will take this information and put together a proposal around a customized approach to ensure that it meets the specifics of the situation. The proposal is always geared towards ensuring your business gets long lasting benefits from our help.

Developing new areas of growth for your business requires an understanding of your current markets and the distinctiveness of your current offerings within them. It also requires identification and exploration of the adjacent markets and how innovative approaches can lead to competitive offerings.

We also specialise in identifying opportunities for you to create entirely new areas of opportunity where there is little or no competition. In addition to the above, this requires identification of latent requirements that are not being satisfied and in some cases are unknown to the markets themselves.

We also identify areas of your capabilities that can be leveraged to deliver innovative solutions to these needs.

In analyzing these areas of opportunity we identify what are the innovations in technology that will be needed to satisfy these needs as well as identifying the emergent technological trends that will supply these technologies.

Delivering innovative growth can require augmentation of your organizations capabilities.

In addition to the assessments of the existing capabilities of businesses and can also identify any new ones that will be required.

We also identify whether these can be developed in house or we can identify partner organizations to supply them.

Procurement and implementation of complex systems requires a combination of planning, specification, risk identification and implementation assessment during all phases to ensure delivery to time, cost, quality and performance. We provide support to organisations acquiring complex systems that make intensive use of software and are mission or safety critical.

Our consultants have more than 12 years of experience in this area and have supported the acquisition of more than 30 such systems including those for security and defence use.

Our consultants are members of the British Computer Society, the MoD Software Systems Engineering Initiative and are qualified TickIT assessors.

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Phrazzle Associates is a trading name of Phrazzle Limited, Company Registration Number:05805319 Registered Office: Claremont Lodge, Ledbury Road, Redmarley, Gloucestershire, England.