Industry and Market Trends

Reviewing trends across a range of markets, business areas, geo-demographics, social groupings and technologies is a constant activity for us. We use these reviews to help identify where significant changes are likely and use modelling techniques to forecast where convergent or crossing trends may create new opportunities for business.

In addition to these broad scanning activities, we conduct more detailed analysis of specific markets or areas in response to client needs. Dependant on the brief, we can construct focused analyses of singular markets or technologies or analyses based on convergence, crossover or disruptions.

Please contact us for any further information you may require on these services.

Market trending activities include examination of the demands from various market sectors to determine the future prospects for a specific market, sector or offering. It also involves assessments of threats posed by issues such as overseas competition and anticipated regulatory changes.

Technology trending examines the activities of major research centres across the world to identify potentially beneficial technologies and emergent services that can impact target markets. The activity also seeks to identify disruptive technologies that can cause quantum leaps in capability and generate whole new areas of business and markets.

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