Growth and Opportunities

Exploration of areas of opportunity that are adjacent to your normal markets to identify clear opportunities requires innovative approaches tempered with pragmatism to ensure economic viability.

Our application of innovation to market adjacency identifies issues such as the transplanting of practices or technologies established in one market to provide novelty in another.

This sounds simple, but in practice it requires significant work to identify the latent market needs and the adaptation and implementation of the correct fundamentals from the source market(s).

It also requires identification of the core competencies of your organization that can deliver this innovation to the new market.

When done correctly this results in instantaneous recognition of the new approach by the new market customer base and avoids rejection issues such as “too risky” or “too novel”.

Through analysis of broad trends to identify potential intersection opportunities and researching technologies and services it is possible to create offerings that can meet emergent needs across a wide section of customers.

Identifying completely new virgin areas of opportunity, "blue oceans", can lead to high growth, high value revenue streams where the absence of any competition creates true value innovation.

This requires specialized tools and techniques to analyse your existing market position and to determine the drivers that can be used to access these valuable opportunities.

All these activities can be carried out by us to identify opportunities for your business to create growth.

If this is an activity that your business needs to develop in house, then we can also provide support to development of the correct strategy and training to create and sustain in-house capabilities.

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Phrazzle Associates is a trading name of Phrazzle Limited, Company Registration Number:05805319 Registered Office: Claremont Lodge, Ledbury Road, Redmarley, Gloucestershire, England.